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Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Winfried Schmitz-Esser

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Winfried Schmitz-Esser - Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Diplom-Volkswirt. Studied Economics and Political Sciences, Administrational and International Law, Ro-mance Languagees and Literature, in Germany and Austria. Fluent in Eng-lish, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Professor at the Hamburg Uni-ver--sity of Applied Sciences, Department of Library and Information Science. Chairman of the German Committee for Classification and The-sau-rus Re-search. Board member and co-founder of ISKO, the International So-ciety for Knowledge Organization, and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Coun-cil of this Society. Chairman of the former German Information Spe-cia-lists' Pro-fessional Association. Affiliations with other national and inter-natio-nal bo-dies specializing in information, computer science, linguistics and know-ledge engineering. Schmitz-Esser is the author of numerous publica-tions in the field of media libraries and information technology in general, on infor-ma-tion market policies, profession, training and education, among them:

Thésaurus, texte intégral et web sémantique: rupture ou continuité? [5,40 MB] In : Proc. Le Web sémantique - de nouveaux enjeux documentaires. Journée d´étude, Paris, 14. 10. 2003. ADBS et l´IUT de Paris 5. pp. 8-14

Meaning, Understanding, and the Organization of Knowledge in a Multi-lin-gual World - New Tools for New Tasks: Ontologies [7,81 MB] Proc. Lingui-stic cultural identity and international communication. 1st Int. Conf. on the COD System of Communication, Munich, Jan. 25, 2003. Sprachwissenschaft - Computerlinguistik - Computational Linguistics, Bd. 16: 149-171. AQ-Verlag.

SERUBA. A New Search and Learning Technology for the Internet and Intra-nets [7,05 MB], Proc. 11th ASIS&T SIG/CR Classification Research Work-shop, Chicago, IL, Nov. 12, 2000, pp. 91-102. Accessed in Oct. 2001 at

EXPO-INFO 2000, Berlin: Springer 2000.

How to Cope with Dynamism in Ontologies [3,63 MB], in: Dynamism and Sta--bility in Knowledge Organization. Proc. 6th International ISKO Con-fe-ren-ce, July 10-13, 2000, Toronto, Canada; C. Beghtol et al., eds. Würzburg: Ergon, pp. 83-89.

Gedankenraumreisen - Neue Thesaurusstrukturen, multimedial präsentiert, machen Anregung, Spielen, Lernen, Finden möglich für jedermann [6,14 MB], Proc. 6. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesell-schaft für Wissensorganisation, Hamburg, 23.-25.9.1999, in: Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation, Bd. 6 (FW - 6), Hrsg. Ohly H. et al., Ergon, S. 197 – 210.

Modélisation, au moyen d´un thésaurus encyclopédique et plurilingue, des connaissances présentées au cours de l´exposition mondiale de l´an 2000 [9,33 MB], in: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d´information. Eds. Maniez, J. et al. Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3, Collection UL3, Lille, pp. 57-69.

Thesaurus and Beyond: An Advanced Formula for Linguistics Engineering and Information Retrieval. [4,84 MB] Knowledge Organization - KO 26 (1999/1): 10-22.

Konstruktion und Retrieval von Wissen: 3. Tagung der Deutschen ISKO-Sek-tion einschliesslich der Vorträge des Workshops "Thesauri als termi-no-lo-gi-sche Lexika", Weilburg, 27.-29. Oktober 1993 (mit Norbert Meder u.a.) Er-gon 1Framkfurt a.M. 1995.

Kognitive Ansätze zum Ordnen und Darstellen von Wissen: 2. Tagung der Deutschen ISKO Sektion einschliesslich der Vorträge des Workshops "Thesauri als ...", Weilburg, 15.-18. Oktober 1991 (mit Win-fried Gödert und Peter Jaenecke) 1992.

Der Computer in den Archiven der Massenmedien. Ein Handbuch. Darm-stadt: IFRA 1986.

Auslandskapital in der deutschen Wirtschaft, Möller 1969.

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